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wundayatta's avatar

What does your special place look like?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) November 30th, 2009

I think of this as a secret place, if only because it exists in your imagination, and no where else. You are the only one who can see it. It is a place you would love to go any time you need to calm down. If you close your eyes, and you see that place, what does it look like?

Right now, my secret, special place is on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Maybe this cliff is in Ireland. Maybe it’s California. I go there, and there is a bench just in the right place—the highest point on the cliff. Despite the height of the cliff, the bench still feels the sting of salt water, especially during big storms. A person sitting there, would feel the same thing.

On good days, the sky extends forever (or to the horizon, whichever comes first), and the pattern of the waves on the surface of the ocean is endlessly fascinating. Sometimes there are otters and/or other sea mammals playing close to the shore.

Sometimes it is a comfort to have a place I could jump from, flying to the end of my life. I would never do that, but I like having the danger of that thought in mind when I stand on the edge. It makes me careful not to go too far; not to cause a landslide where the cliff slips down into the ocean.

My favorite days are the stormy ones. It makes me feel… I don’t know how to describe it—heroic?—to stand in the face of the stinging rain, watching the huge waves batter the base of my cliff. There is something cathartic about that.

No matter what it is like there, I come away from the cliff renewed in some way. It lifts the fog and darkness from my brain. It allows me to come back to the true bliss of reality. And it’s all there, inside my head, any time I want. Although the real thing is so much better.

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52 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

for some reason my initial response was to think of my vagina…does that count?
Anyway I don’t have a secret place…when I practiced witchcraft I had a sort of a sanctuary in my mind that I’d go to when I’d meditate…and it involved a beach, a field of flowers, watersheds…the usual

mattbrowne's avatar

An exotic landscape on an extrasolar planet with two moons. Occasionally the two partly overlapping full moons look like a snowman in the night sky.

loser's avatar

Mine is a shack in the middle of the woods with no one else around for miles.

wundayatta's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Do you mean you imagine crawling inside yourself? As long as it is a refuge for you, then I think it counts, although you’d have to explain how it would be a refuge.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

some people just make me shake my head

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

It’s a bluff overlooking the ocean. There is a bench there I’ve sat upon many times and the smell of sage is strong mingling with wild honeysuckle and held down by moist air. Facing out to the ocean, on my right is a lone tall tree and on my left is the mouth of a small lagoon. All that is between these points is mine to explore, get lost in or hide away in.

holden's avatar

@loser like Thoreau!

My special place is inside The Cat in the Hat’s hat. When you go inside it a black dove flies you to the other side of the galaxy.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@daloon nah, nothing like that…though it might serve the function for others, :)~...all right, this is a serious thread..I will take my perv self elsewhere

wilma's avatar

@daloon your place is kinda scary to me.

Mine is green and still. The water flowing there is a very quiet trickle. There are birds and other creatures of nature, although no bugs or frightening animals.
There are tall trees in a forest, that filter the light, and a sunny meadow. There is a small cabin in the woods, that has stairs inside that go up to my tree house.

kelly's avatar

Mountains to the West with snow above tree line. A lake in the fore ground with forest and meadows. Vistas to the South and North with distant peaks. East is open to the sunrise. Area around Dillon, CO and Laramie, WY come very close.

DominicX's avatar

Mine is in the middle of an evergreen pine forest with mountains in the background. There are numerous mountain biking trails where one can just lose themselves in the pure serenity and beauty of this forest area. There are flowing creeks, large rocks, manzanitas, and silence (except for some birds). If this were a real place, it would most likely be in California or Nevada. Luckily, there are many places like this (though not exactly the way I imagine it) in California and Nevada around Lake Tahoe. Part of the reason I consider it to be the place most near to perfect. CA and NV are after all the two states I’ve lived in and my two favorite states and Lake Tahoe is the one place where they really blend together.

The formation of this imaginary place was greatly inspired by something I saw while driving on SR 28 in Washoe County, Nevada. I was with my friends on the way back to Truckee from South Lake Tahoe and we were going around the Nevada side of the lake. The sun was beginning to set, but it was still plenty light. I remember looking off to the right and seeing this trail wind away into the forest and the mountain was in the background and the pine trees made it so the whole place was dim and mysterious. It almost looked like something out of a fantasy book; it was a little surreal. I know that definitely has had an influence on what I picture my “special place” to look like.

Fyrius's avatar

I’ve been a very active daydreamer for a long time. There’s no one place any more that keeps me interested for long. :/ I travel.

I do have a few personal places. I used to have a large space ship that I considered “home”. Somewhat more recently I also have a classy, renaissance-style office where I interview characters to get to know them/work out their personalities. It has two doors that open to wherever I need them to open to.

In my teenage years, I used to go to Xen to relax. It’s a place from the Half-Life series of games.
If I understand it correctly it’s supposed to be a plane of intersection between universes in higher dimensions, where bits of matter from various parallel universes end up. I felt so at home on those floating chunks of planet, surrounded on all sides by utter emptiness extending for light-years, looking out on a sky of colourful nebulae that’s at the same time above, around and below you. A great place if you want to be alone for a while. :)

Other places…
I granted author privileges to one imaginary character-friend of mine, and she used that to imagine-build a fancy mansion in the shape of a four-petalled flower, in the middle of an infinite meadow where it’s always springtime. I look her up there sometimes.
There’s a round courtyard in the front with a fountain in the middle, surrounded by a ring-shaped open hallways with a roof on pillars. And she has a central hall with two stairways that bend upwards symmetrically, and a large round skylight. And a library section that takes up two floors. It’s all pretty fancy.
She’s a bit of a nutter, but she’s always nice to talk to.

janbb's avatar

When I was a kid, I was both a “tomboy” and a bookworm. My favorite secret place was high up in the trunk of an old tree where there was a comfy fork in the branches. I would climb up there with my book under one arm, perch and sit and read for hours.

Now, there is my reading chair betwen two windows in the den with stacks of books and magazines next to it. My outside secret place is someone’s small, private dock on the lake near my house. I used to go there with Prince (the formerly gormless cocker spaniel) and sit and think.

flameboi's avatar

big swimming pool, large windows overlooking the city, garage for 10 cars (and 10 cars of course) big bbq place, terrace, things like that :D I have it in my mind and I will build it someday

wildpotato's avatar

Manby Hot Springs. I relax in one of the pools at the bottom of the gorge, watching the sky change colors and a wispy cloud slowly unfurl from the edge of the rocks far above.

I’d own one of the earthships down the road if I had my druthers.

janbb's avatar

@wildpotato Looks pretty effing nice!

nebule's avatar

huge endless undulating fields full of every variety of flower in the world…everywhere colour and in the middle of it all a great big soft fluffy bed – white and so so very soft…and the sun with a warm breeze, birdsong and most of all a deep inner feeling of coming home…and serenity

Facade's avatar

I had the same initial thoughts as @Simone_De_Beauvoir haha
My special place would have to be in the arms of my man. Everything seems ok when I’m there <3

Fyrius's avatar

That sounds lovely. :)

ratboy's avatar

@losera la unabomber?

nebule's avatar

@Fyrius I like to think so..thank you x

ratboy's avatar

I can’t see anything—my face is buried in cleavage.

wildflower's avatar

All my places have water, but it can vary from standing behind a large waterfall (like some of the Norwegian ones), to a lake in a valley surrounded by very tall mountains (perhaps with snow at the top, but it’s warm by the lake), a small crackling stream running through a meadow of flowers or – like yours @daloon – looking down on waves crashing at the feet of a cliff….....other times it’s just my own private, endlessly serene beach at sunset.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@Facade: That right there is the very best special place, a real one!

faye's avatar

On a small beach with dunes and sea grasses, cliff behind me and ocean in front of me, small house to the right of me, weathered wood with red and rose geraniums on the veranda, and a cat. I’m not sure if there is a shadowy man figure or not.

Supacase's avatar

Mine is a room. (I’m just not an outdoors kinda girl.) Sometimes it is a medium shade of blue with gauzy blue scarves and a large sofa. Candles are lit and soft music is playing. There are no windows.

At other times the room is a sunny yellow with large windows trimmed in white. The sun is shining, the sky is blue with white puffy clouds, there is a lush green lawn and rolling hills as far as I can see.

YARNLADY's avatar

The view from the balcony of my favorite place.

MrBr00ks's avatar

I like to crawl inside of a vagina to get away, but the one that I’m allowed is connected to a major source of my frustration. ;p Mine is the beach at Seaside, Oregon, but in my mind I am by myself, no family or people in sight, and sometimes the sky is grey, sometimes it is sunny.

Adagio's avatar

My special place actually exists, Bethells Beach , my closest beach, only 25 minutes drive from my home but sadly inaccessible to me these days, hence it is a place I can only visit in my mind.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Adagio I’d walk to be there, if I needed to, it’s lovely

RAWRxRandy's avatar

My place is in the city, some enclosed space behind an authentic chinese restaurant,it’s a little oasis from all the city life. It’s a small garden with a bench and a small pond. I can hear the cars and the noise but its faint, and i dont mind it. I just swing on the bench(its a swinging bench thing…) and relax. :3

Adagio's avatar

@YARNLADY Walking? if only it were that simple… yes, Bethells is very lovely indeed….

Ailia's avatar

My special place varies from time to time but I have one recurring place that never ceases to amaze me. My place is right next to a waterfall, in a jungle, with lots of beautiful and majestic animals wandering around. What makes my place so special for me, is the beautiful waterfall. There are lovely pink flowers cascading down and the pool is deep and clear. Not only that but everything is tranquil, the leopards, the birds, me, the landscape, everything. Its one of the only places in the whole world where I can always be at peace. The only noises are the beautiful calls of the birds and the sound of the water gliding down.
This picture below is almost exactly how I imagine my special place. One day I will go there.

75movies's avatar

A liquor store.

filmfann's avatar

It has a small scar where my ex-gf accidently bit me once.

Jude's avatar

My girlfriend lives along Lake Huron. I took this picture out in front of her place one Sunday morning—that’s where I am. I feel the warmth of the sun on my face, and I can smell sweet, wild lavender in the air. I hear the rippling waves as they gently lap upon the shore, and about 10 feet away from me is a lone Blue Heron, standing ever so still. I lie back and dig the heels of my feet into the warm sand. I close my eyes and feel a warm breeze drift on by. I fall asleep for sometime. I then wake up from my sweet slumber, open my eyes and it’s night time. I look up to a beautiful blue/black sky and it’s filled with a million stars.

Shuttle128's avatar

I wish I had enough imagination to have a special place in my mind. My real life special place is on the couch next to my girlfriend.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I have two. One is the inside of a ski lodge.. snow frosted windows.. cups of hot coffee and hot chocolate on the table.. friends laughing and having a good time.

The other is in a shower.. next to some distant beach.. hearing the surf and the other beach noises.. smelling the sunny afternoon on the light breeze.. and the hair of the woman I’m with…I have to state it that way because saying it’s my wife brings it too near reality.. and reality kinda bites right now… so this place has a woman who I don’t even see… just the concept of someone being there…

rooeytoo's avatar

I am easy because all I need is a deserted beach (and since most aussie beaches are deserted, well once you get outside of the cities). I can picture any one of hundreds of such spots I have seen and I am happy.

YARNLADY's avatar

@rooeytoo why are the beaches deserted?

rooeytoo's avatar

@YARNLADY Because Australia has a total estimated population of 21,262,641 and a coastline of 25,760 kilometers, or a little over 16,000 miles. I forget exactly what it is but a very large portion of the population live in the capital cities so that leaves a hell of a lot of beaches and not many people! But even when I lived in Sydney, you could get in your car and drive for an hour or so and find a beach of your own.

YARNLADY's avatar

@rooeytoo I am so sick of the crowded, filthy California beaches, I wish I could “run away” to Australia. I would miss my family too much.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Australia certainly was nice. I wouldn’t mind going back.

Shuttle128's avatar

@YARNLADY Florida’s not bad. Most beaches (aside from the popular ones) will have at most 10 people per mile.

My favorite beach though is on the east side of Lake Michigan in Muskegon. My uncle has a house on the lake… is beautiful.

Fyrius's avatar

So just imagine yourself on the couch next to your girlfriend. VoilĂ , special place in your mind. :)

wundayatta's avatar

Hmmm. Lot’s of beach porn. Doesn’t anyone get off on mountains?

Fyrius's avatar

I usually get off on train or bus stations. Or I get on.

rooeytoo's avatar

@Daloon – Mountains don’t do it for me, I get claustrophobic in the valleys, and that is only half a joke, I really do feel closed in. I used to like sitting on top of one on my bike and then ripping down like a maniac. Haven’t had the opportunity to do that since I moved here. (and given my aging body, that is probably a blessing in disguise, heheheh)

chyna's avatar

For Daloon: There is a special place about an hour from my home that has a lake in its valley and paths leading up into the hills. One of these paths leads to a very old cemetary that has headstones from the early 1800’s. I love going to this cemetary and reading the stones and making up stories about the people that died. I make up stories of their life, who they loved, and why they died. It’s very calming.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@daloon The mountains are actually reserved for nostalgia from childhood. And while there were plenty of happy moments in my childhood, I don’t consider it the ultimate. =)

75movies's avatar

a liquor store in the mountains

fathippo's avatar

Firstly, one is underneath a dark sky, full of stars, but it is like this sky is a part of the place, like it feels you, as you feel it. You are looking out into a different ‘universe’ of existence all together than here, but it still feels like you could be anywhere just by thinking it, because it is where you really belong and are made of. I think the surroundings are slightly forest like, but mostly, I can feel the darkness of the sky and how peaceful, safe and real everything feels.

Secondly, I sometimes imagine myself falling through a dark empty space, but it is a very peaceful and trusting kind of falling, like I won’t ever hit the bottom and be bludgeoned, but like the darkness is full of things there that hold you and take care of you.
‘We fall in space, we can’t look down’, is what it reminds me of.
There are others as well but those came to mind first.

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