General Question

LadyMarissa's avatar

Would you be shocked to hear that old 45 has been lying about his fortune for at least 45 years?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16136points) February 22nd, 2023

According to Forbes 45 has been outright lying about his worth since 1978 (45 years). George Conway reacted with a “shock simply shocked” response. I remember doing a research project on him around that time & he was already known as a cheater & liar. I didn’t delve deep enough to get into his finances, so I can’t verify how much he lied about his worth at the time because I just didn’t care!!! What are your thoughts about him lying about his worth???

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16 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

By every measure, his worth comes short of his advertised value.

ragingloli's avatar

There are several pictures that would illustrate my reaction.

flutherother's avatar

I never mistook him for an honest man.

SnipSnip's avatar

I still don’t care.

Zaku's avatar

The only part of this that surprises me is that someone might ask this question, especially since it seems to imply that there might be someone who lied about their fortune, for longer than they were even alive.

(Also, what was OP thinking when they created the “old 45” tag?)

Acrylic's avatar

I couldn’t care less about a strangers finances.

JLeslie's avatar


Isn’t it obvious that he lies or at minimum exaggerates, in one direction or the other based on who is talking to. IRS, the state, loan officers, the public. This is no surprise.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wives and Ex s too ! !

KNOWITALL's avatar

Was there proof in the link? Hit a pay wall.
I wouldn’t be very shocked at anything the elite do.

mazingerz88's avatar

What shocks me is there are many Americans that see this douche as more preferable than Hillary or Biden.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Well, let me see…NOPE not at all!

smudges's avatar

Oh…that 45? No.

the nickname “old 45” is repulsive. Makes him sound like a warm fuzzy buddy, imo

linguaphile's avatar

(eyes glazing over)... oh, oh, you mean there’s a chance he has ever told the truth?

Serious answer: No. I don’t think he can shock me much anymore.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^He’ll shock many people if he shuts up for six months straight.

Dig_Dug's avatar

I might even listen to him for five minutes. As long as it was through his prison cell bars while he’s sitting on his nice hard bed springs.

ram201pa's avatar

I just want him to go away.

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