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Dutchess_lll's avatar

What is one product that works unbelievably well for you?

Asked by Dutchess_lll (8748points) August 17th, 2020

I have back issues. I almost can’t do anything without jacking up my sciatic nerve. Can’t stand too long, can’t bend over, can’t stretch. If I do I have to hobble back to my recliner to rest it.
It’s really taken a toll on my life.
Well, my oldest daughter, who is on disability, for her severe back issues, told me about this wrap and gave hers to me to try on.
It is a wrap you wear just below the knee. There is a rounded disk, about the size of a silver dollar sewn into the wrap. You position the disk outside of your calf, just under the knee, so it presses on the sciatic nerve.
I was super sceptical because she’s all in to essential oils and things that I find silly, and the wrap seemed too much like accupuncture. But I put it on…and literally gasped. The pain was gone instantly. It’s like freakin’ magic. I was scrubbing floors, taking walks, cleaning house, none of which I could do much of before.

Have you ever had anything work so well for you?

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20 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s fantastic. No I cannot think of anything nearly so miraculous.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

It’s insane. I had lost mine about 6 months ago and just now replaced it.
Yesterday I busted my butt cleaning for a showing.
Today I steam cleaned a room. I shop vaccced a filter. I cleaned off the back deck.
My back feels tight so I know it hurts…but I can’t feel it.

Love_my_doggie's avatar


If you’re not familiar with the products, Rothy’s are made from plastic water bottles. The shoes make me feel as if I’m walking on a cloud, and the company’s customer service couldn’t be any better. I own the following items, and still counting: four pairs of The Flat; two pairs of The Knot; and one pair of The Slide. I also bought a couple of face masks, which cover my nose and mouth without slipping and are roomy for comfortable breathing. When Rothy’s products get dirty, they go into the washing machine and come out perfect.

Really, this isn’t a spam post! These products simply are all that wonderful.

jca2's avatar

@Love_my_doggie: They’re expensive shoes!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

My first thought too! I’ll stick with Goodwill!

Brian1946's avatar

Fiji 750 ml water bottles are just the right size for my feet! ;-o

gondwanalon's avatar

WalkFit foot orthotics Work great for me. I’ve used the same one for many years. They seem indestructible. I hiked to the bottom of The Grand Canyon and back up with a full backpack (no problems or blisters). Ran a few full marathons with them (AOK). I have high foot arches and with age (I’m 69 now) and nonstop running and working long hours my foot arches have started to fall which stretches my foot tendons and ligament and caused a lot of pain. The WalkFit insoles solved the problem. And I had 3 foot doctors make custom insoles for my feet that didn’t help much at all. Then I saw an infomercial on TV selling the WalkFits for $8 per pair. I was so desperate for relief. I thought that for 8 bucks I’ll give it a try. Good stuff!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@jca2 Expensive, in comparison to what? :-) If put up against PayLess Shoes (which no longer exists), yes; if compared to anything I could buy at Nordstrom, an incredible bargain.

I have a couple of pairs that I’ve been rocking for at least 5–6 years, and they continue to look brand new and feel amazing.

jca2's avatar

@Love_my_doggie: That’s great! I meant expensive compared to what I will pay for shoes, which is I try to keep it under $75 per pair.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Ahahahaha! I’m maybe $25 for new if I’m going to a wedding!!!

mazingerz88's avatar

Oh no. I was about to answer….Apple laptops. Lol

Mimishu1995's avatar

I bought a ball-jointed figure on AliExpress. It’s a Chinese website for mostly Chinese stuff. So it was a sale period and I saw the figure with a reasonable price and I ordered it along with some other stuff. The thing is, the figure is supposed to be a Japanese product and it’s a fact that most Japanese toy companies outsource the production process to Chinese factories, so Chinese factories have the “blueprints” of most Japanese toys in their hands and they would produce fake toys out of them. As a result, the figure I ordered was a fake, but at that time I was new to all of this and I just wanted a good figure with good price.

The figure’s leg is rather easy to fall apart and it was a pain to mold the figure into shapes. The head parts that come with it also don’t fit its head. Apart from that, it is a more decent figure than I expected, once I have learned to handle it. It’s surprisingly sturdy and can do several difficult poses. Most of the issues I come across could pretty much be the same issues I would see in the real one. All in all, I’m quite pleased with it.

A lot of people talk about how we shouldn’t buy fake toys to support the industry. Well, the problem is that a lot of the toys people want were out of stock long ago, and Japanese toy companies are notorious for producing very limited amount of certain toys to get people to buy them as fast as possible. It comes to the point that some toys are only available in fake form which is what happened to my figure. If you want people to buy the real things, then make the real things more available. Otherwise people will just go for the first thing they see that is functional.

kritiper's avatar

Zantac. You know, the stuff they just took off the market for possibly being a cancer causer? Good stuff! I’d get heartburn results in like 15 seconds!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ The stuff may or may not be carcinogenic from long-term use; not a certainty. You do know that it relieves your heartburn, which might otherwise make your life untenable. Yes, in your situation, I’d be popping Zantac.

Now, can we work on my Xanax?

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