General Question

LadyMarissa's avatar

Are we about to go to war?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16140points) April 24th, 2020

As the individual states open back up, there is bound to be some conflict between states. I know our Governor has upset the Governor of SC & several other states around us. With the selfishness & greed that people are showing during these trying times, can we actually control ourselves well enough to remain calm or will the unhappy states close their borders so they can pick & choose who they allow in???

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15 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

“War” is a bit of an overstatement, but I could see California closing airports to Delta flights out of Georgia.

janbb's avatar

No war but certainly tensions between those regions who are being stricter and those who seem to be being irresponsible. I’m very glad that I live in a stricter part of the country, especially since it is a hot spot, and that the states around here will be working in concert as to when to ease restrictions.

It shouldn’t have but it has kind of shocked me how much further polarization this crisis has shown. An article in The New York Times yesterday said there may be a resulting weakenign of the Federalist system as a result of the way this crisis is being handled by various regions. I’m not sure if that would be a good thing or a bad thing.

SmashTheState's avatar

Why do you think Russia got Drumpf elected? The same way the US has spent centuries deliberately stirring up internecine conflict in other countries to allow United Fruit and Haliburton to exploit their resources without resistance, Russia is now using the same tactic to divide Amerika into mutually distrustful Balkanized interest groups. Drumpf’s signature style of putting everyone against everyone in a war of all against all is exactly what Putin wanted. While Amerika has ceased thinking of itself as a single cohesive entity, Putin is turning himself into the new Czar.

JLeslie's avatar

No. The neighboring states will do their best to have the people crossing state lines to self quarantine, but for people who commute to work crossing state lines that will be impossible. As far as I can remember the large cities in GA are not anywhere close to the state lines, so it shouldn’t be a huge issue.

Edit: Augusta is in the border, so that might be one city that has a lot of commuters from SC.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I live in a small Georgia town on the SC border. I guess we’re not big enough to be considered relevant. I don’t worry about those from SC crossing over to come here but nearly 50% of our population works in SC plus many of us do our shopping in SC due to the convenience. The Governor of SC is already ruffling his feathers about the way he doesn’t approve of what our Governor is doing. I’ve read of several other states that border each other who are going through the same thing.

Actually, I don’t care IF California closes off any or all Delta flights coming out of Georgia as I don’t plan on boarding Delta to Cali anytime in the near…or distant…future!!!

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll add, I live in Florida, and I haven’t heard anyone here saying they are worried about what GA is doing in terms of a danger to our state, but probably my governor will start opening up some things soon too. It will be up to the counties and cities to keep stricter rules, as it is now anyway. Is that happening in GA? I find the national media doesn’t report when municipalities have stricter orders than the state at large.

Florida worries more about New York, Michigan, South America, and Europe than we do Georgia, even though we border Georgia.

zenvelo's avatar

@JLeslie Some of the southern states, like Georgia, have Governors that have overruled more vigorous restrictions by cities and counties.

josie's avatar

In spite of some of the above paranoia and unhappiness.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo They said that about Florida, but it wasn’t true, are we sure that’s true in Georgia?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie During Spring Break wasn’t Florida wide open ? ?

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie It was for a while, I don’t remember when Dade and Broward county started locking down everything and putting in stay at home orders. It was way before the governor did a statewide order. Even today there is no statewide order for a curfew, but I think 5 of our counties are still under a curfew at night. In my state the Governor is the minimum order, I know the news is not reporting it that way, but DiSantis has repeatedly said it in his press conferences, and indeed that is how it is playing out in my state. Counties and cities go stricter if they feel it’s necessary, it is that way all over my state just like when we have a hurricane the counties decide what’s necessary, although I assume they consult with the Governor.

JLeslie's avatar

This shows which beaches are open and which are closed. DiSantis did some executive orders for some beaches, it was not statewide from what I can tell, thar’s how I understood it, we never had a statewide order. Here is the list.

DiSantis actually had to go to court about the beaches.

LadyMarissa's avatar

WHY would I lie about what my state is doing??? @zenvelo is correct, Georgia & South Carolina Governors have the final say. Local governments must plead their case to the Governor for special permission to enforce different rules. In some cases, our Governor overrode the face mask rule saying the face masks were reminiscent of the KKK therefore NOT required by Georgia law. He’s reopened movie theaters, bowling allies, plus beauty & barber shops. Next week he’s planning on reopening restaurants to dining room service as well. We haven’t leveled off on new virus cases; so although I’ll be glad to see some of those services return, I can understand why the Governor of SC is concerned. He is opening his state back up a bit more slowly & he has some valid concerns on how our Governor is blasting back open.

I have determined that I will continue to think smart & assume that ALL those people rushing to get back out there have the virus & really don’t care that they might pass it on to me!!! I’m going to continue to rely on carryout & eating at home where nobody can get closer than 6 feet. Since I volunteer my time, I don’t have plans on jumping right back in until I can see for myself that the virus count isn’t going to jump straight back up. I’m going to judge for myself as to WHEN it will be safe to return to society!!!

JLeslie's avatar

@LadyMarissa I’m not accusing anyone of lying. I was just asking for clarification. There are still people in my state who believe the governor over road local authorities for arresting that one preacher for holding a crowded service. No he didn’t. There are people in my state who believe my governor completely closed all beaches. No he didn’t.

I think the governor of GA is an absolute ignorant idiot.

Zissou's avatar

Picking up on @SmashTheState ‘s points—Russian meddling in other countries’ internal affairs has been going on even longer. Under the Czars, they were able to exploit the weaknesses of the Polish aristocratic constitution, under which a single aristocrat could veto legislation. By bribery or other means, Russia was able to subvert a few aristocrats and undermine the Polish government. In the aftermath of the American and French Revolutions, Polish liberals (some of whom had fought for US independence) were able to enact reforms, but by then it was late. Poland ceased to exist as an independent nation soon after.

The Framers were aware of the weakness of the Polish constitution—they mention it in the Federalist Papers. I doubt Trump or Pompeo or Barr are aware of this history, but I’d bet Putin is.

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