Social Question

rebbel's avatar

How does one write a love letter?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) December 21st, 2018

It may come as a surprise to most of you, I am sure (just kidding, of course), but I don’t know how to write a love letter….
If I ever did write one it must have probably been in the primary school era.
Probably my vocabulary and emotional development was in its infant shoes still.
So, what does a love letter consists of?
How do we start?
How do we end it?
Do we work towards a high point, or is it one stream of high points from the get-go?
Perfume it, or is that old fashioned?

I thank you.
_(x) _

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25 Answers

janbb's avatar

Try writing one to me, @rebbel and I’ll critique it!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

He’s mine @janbb! Back away slowly!

Write one to me @rebbel.

longgone's avatar

So, what does a love letter consists of?

Mostly shared memories, in my experience. Also, explain what makes your special person special.

How do we start?

I like to cheat by looking at prompts. I also usually jot down some ideas before writing. Think back to the last time you felt really loved. Maybe put on some music that makes you emotional. Go from there.

How do we end it?

Ideally…if you’re making them laugh throughout, make them cry at the end. And vice versa.

Do we work towards a high point, or is it one stream of high points from the get-go?

I never plan it out like that. I just feel my way through.

Perfume it, or is that old fashioned?

Hm. Interesting. I would use something like lavender in the envelope if I were really romantic – but I’m not. Rub it on yourself for some pheromones?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Easy, ladies… None of us gets to claim @rebbel as her own. We must all share him equitably.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well what does @rebbel think of being passed around?

janbb's avatar

I think this is becoming a love letter to @rebbel!

Pinguidchance's avatar

If you need to ask then you aren’t in love.

As an exemplar, do what I do and think of ragingloli.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

A pressed rose would be lovely thank you.

I pressed a rose and pressed my nose what sonnet?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

If you pressed a rose then pressed your nose what snot? Or did I read too fast.

Pinguidchance's avatar

But I can only watch you with my nose

Pressed up against the window pane

seawulf575's avatar

Tap into your feelings for the person to whom you are writing. Think about them. Think what they mean to you and how they make you feel when they are with you. Think about how you think of them when they aren’t with you. The letter is about them. You are telling them what they mean to you. The mechanics of the letter are up to you. You can start with My dearest Love or you could start with just his/her name. Tell why you are writing. I’m sitting here watching TV and realized I couldn’t remember what show I was watching because I was busy thinking of you. You get the idea. ABOVE ALL…be honest and be yourself. A love letter that feels false or is insincere is an insult and generally comes off that way.

seawulf575's avatar

Looking at the response from the women on this thread I have to ask…have none of you ever gotten a love letter from your SO? I know my wife and I wrote them to each other while we were dating. If you haven’t received one, I’m sorry. Sincerely. But part of the joy is writing one as well as receiving one. Try writing one to your mate.

ragingloli's avatar

You copy an existing one and slightly alter it.
And put a dick pic inside the envelope as well.

janbb's avatar

@wulfie. I never received a love letter per se but I’ve received many letters with loving content in them. Usually a line or two at the end of a long newsy letter that contained love, longing and appreciation. It doesn’t take much.

LadyMarissa's avatar

There is NO specific way to write a love letter!!! It seems obvious to me (I could be wrong) that any love letter should come from WHAT is being FELT in your HEART!!! It’s what you want to say to them in person; but you’re too chicken, so you write it down so they can read it at their leisure!!!

My last husband & I frequently left love notes for each other. He was my househusband & he had my dinner prepared & waiting for me when I got home from work. So, I used to hide little notes around the spice cabinet so he’d find them while cooking our next meal. It was as simple as “I love you” or occasionally something a little more complex. He said his favorite was
“I was blessed the day I met you”.

He didn’t like wasting money; so, he frequently prepared me a lunch so I wouldn’t have to pay exorbitant prices to go out to eat for lunch. I’d unwrap my sandwich & find a note saying “You’re my reason for breathing” or the lid on my veggies was covered with a heart saying “My heart almost bursts at the though of you”.

He died one month before my birthday. On my birthday one year later, I found a note hidden behind my spare bottle of shampoo in the bathroom closet saying “I miss you & love you sooo much”. I don’t know when he wrote it but I found it at the MOST PERFECT time almost like he had planned it that way!!!

My point…you will write the PERFECT love letter as long as you’re speaking FROM THE HEART!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Sure I’ve recieved love letters @seawulf575, and written them. But mostly recieved them.

Pinguidchance's avatar

I got this one from a bot poem generator, it reminds moi of moi.

Ode to the Animal
A Sonnet by trixie
My animal, you inspire me to write.
How I love the way you bawdy and quick,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the wealthy nik.

Let me compare you to an old cafe?
You are more miser, effulgent and fat.
Flat breeze flaps the healthy dancers of May,
And the springtime has the stealthy muskrat.

How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
I love your bold ineffable and groin.
How your ineluctable fills my days!
My love for you is the epic bourgoin.

Now I must away with a heavy heart,
Remember my cold words whilst we’re apart.

rebbel's avatar

Ouhhhh, this brought back memories.
In my teens, whenever there was interest of girls in rebbel I did as I did now, here; run away, go in hiding, and hope it blew over ;-)

Thanks for all the sweet signs of admiration!
You can’t really fight over me, though…, I’m very happy with my lovely girlfriend of ten years.
There’s no lack of love, I want to state, just a lack of knowledge where it concerns writing love letters.
Of course I write the occasional little words, and I declare it in sweet, deep talks we have, but writing a long letter I simply have never done.
But with some of your advice I am going to do just that
Number one, and most important, I get the feeling, is dick pics, and lots of them.
I’m sure she’s eagerly awaiting those…..
Scented, of course!
But seriously, thanks for your replies.
I love you all :-)

@LadyMarissa That was a heartbreaking touching story.
I can only try to imagine how you must have felt that day…

chyna's avatar

@rebbel Put a ring on it!

janbb's avatar

@rebbel. We know it’s safe to fight over you precisely because you’re taken – not to mention in Europe!

rebbel's avatar

@janbb You are right,of course, I’m at a safe distance :-)
You can do virtual fights, no harm in that!
@chyna One day, one day….!

janbb's avatar

—But let me just say, you ain’t had good lovin’ til you’ve had cold flippers against your back!—

rebbel's avatar

If cold female feet count as flippers, then I’ve had plenty of gooooood lovin’!

raum's avatar

Scented dick pictures!

You’re welcome, universe.
– Fluther

flutherother's avatar

It’s a two-step process:
1. Fall in love
2. Write a letter.

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