General Question

ibstubro's avatar

How much of the public's confidence in the Chicago Police force can Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel restore by appointing fired Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy's replacement?

Asked by ibstubro (18804points) March 17th, 2016

Given that Emanuel is a former staunch supporter of McCarthy and both Emanuel and McCarthy were implicated in the same cover-up?

3 finalists for Chicago’s top cop include 2 outsiders

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2 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

It really depends on who he appoints. The cop-friendly Chicago prosecutor lost the primary Tuesday; the populace is not at all happy with the CPD.

Police Departments have to start getting Chiefs that will declare that abuse by police officers will not be tolerated or protected.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Cook county has been corrupt since at least the 1920’s with Boss Thompson (a reform Candidate!) who ran the place like his personal whorehouse for years, including the Capone Era. In my time it was Boss Richard Daley and then more Daleys. Even for people like me who still hold out hope for decent government and statesmen, Illinois politics is a write-off. I could never understand why my sister, a woman who upon examination exhibited strong liberal sentiments, always voted Republican. I do now. It was because she lived in Chicago.

Short of Illinois ceding their local and state administrations over to Wisconsin, I don’t think there is anything anyone, including Emanuel, can do restore confidence in Chicago. He knows he can do whatever the fuck he wants because there is nothing a politician can do in that city that will shock anyone, anymore.

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