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Yvening_Star's avatar

Where can I buy Rosetta Stone used?

Asked by Yvening_Star (148points) November 30th, 2013

Does anyone know of a website that might sell Rosetta Stone used? I am looking for a language that’s less common.

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6 Answers

hearkat's avatar

If you haven’t already, I would first check the Rosetta Stone website to ensure that the language you are seeking has been made, if it’s less common. Then I would probably look on eBay and Amazon.

If you tell us the language you are seeking, some of our resourceful jellies might even find the product for you.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I just checked eBay. The website has hundreds of Rosetta Stone products, most of them at very good prices.

Ditto @hearkat‘s suggestion that you check Rosetta Stone’s website, first, to see if the company sells the language you need. At eBay, I did notice that quite a few less common languages are available – Tagalog (Filipino), Vietnamese, Swedish, Polish, etc.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I think the British Museum might have one.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Incidentally, groupon has a sweet deal on it right now (for the next 6 days):

elbanditoroso's avatar

Note that while you might find them for sale, it’s probably technically illegal for the seller to be selling them.

He can sell you the physical disk, but the intellectual property on it (i.e. the software) is not OWNED but rather LICENSED to the original owner, and he can’t resell you the intellectual property without getting permission from Rosetta, which he isn’t going to have.

So just be aware that in a very technical sense, what you’re buying is illegal to be sold.

tranquilsea's avatar

Rosetta Stone does lock down their software. I have to call and get permission to load it on different computers. Any software can be unlocked it you know what your doing.

From what I’ve seen it goes on sale at least 4 times a year.

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