Social Question

rebbel's avatar

What does your banner read? [Details inside].

Asked by rebbel (35553points) March 6th, 2013

This is the scenario: You heard that there is this massive rally/demonstration.
You decide to go and make you own huge banner, with a moving/gripping text spray-painted on it.
When you arrive, and you are part of the moving masses, you find out that you are in the wrong rally….
What rally are you mistakenly attending, and what is your banner reading?

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10 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

My banner reads Save our schools, but I am at a No new taxes rally. Totally incompatible.

ragingloli's avatar

My banner would read “The Pope is a Nazi Child Rapist Protector that should be in Jail or hanged from a tree”. And the rally is a Catholic Farewell Party for Ratzinger.

Oh wait, you said I would be at the wrong rally.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

If all Jersey girls are sluts then the USA is not in debt
Oh shit, what do you mean this is a beef rally, I’m a vegan,fuck me

Judi's avatar

“Be Nice” at a Tea Party rally.

filmfann's avatar

The parade is for supporting American Indians.

My sign says “Go Redskins!”

fundevogel's avatar

Mine says “MORE VOTES FOR DECENT FOLK!”. Ironically, assuming the number of people that can quote as much Catch-22 as I can is small, my banner goes down much better at the Tea Party rally than the Michigan voter protests I was hoping to join.

rojo's avatar

Mine says “Republicans are against abortion until their daughters need one, Democrats are for abortion until their daughter wants one.” -Grace McGarvie

Unfortunately, I am at a Southern Baptist convention.

Berserker's avatar

I can’t write, and if I could, it would only be with the blood of my enemies. So I’d just draw skulls and wolves on my banner and scream like a raging carnivore, until I realized I wasn’t actually in a Viking raiding party.

…otherwise though, not much would change.

wildpotato's avatar

What Do We Want? Fry’s Dog!
When Do We Want It? Fry’s Dog!

At any rally, ever.

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