Social Question

Charles's avatar

Have you ever gotten into a blistering argument or fight with one of your neighbors?

Asked by Charles (4826points) April 28th, 2012

What happened? Did it blow over? Are there still hard feelings? How do you deal with seeing them or driving by them? What happens at neighborhood get togethers like block parties? What about the spouses – Are they still friends? What about the kids – Do they still play together?

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13 Answers

JLeslie's avatar


I have a friend who got into an argument with her neighbor and it was very uncomfortable for a couple years until they finally moved. It was more than one argument actually. The neighbor accused my friend of questioning her parenting. The neighbor also said how awful it was her kids were not invited to swim in my friends pool. When my friend tried to smooth things over a little it didn’t go well, and my girlfriend ended by saying she feels badly about how they feel, but it just looks like they are not going to get along, they aren’t friend, but hopefully they can just live side by side. It was awkward, they avoided being outside at the same time it was very unfortunate.

I had a neighbor who had moved in next to me because they had neighbors who partied all night, loud, music, the whole bit. Neighbors asked them to keep the noise down, the cops had come out, but they kept on, and the people coming and going did not look like the cream of the crop if you know what I mean. It was not so much there was a huge argument, but it was a case of horrible neighbors.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Not me personally, but Mom had a loooong feud with a neighbor. She’s a nature lover and bird watcher specifically. When a guy bought land on a hill behind the parent’s house, all of the trees on his property came down. Over time, the neighbor started removing trees on the parents’ property. Mom would march over to his house and give him a piece of her mind. At one point, she hired a surveyor to measure and mark the property line.

As for Dad and the neighbor’s wife, they never got involved in the feud. I stilled played with the neighbor’s daughter despite a 5-year age gap. We are friends on Facebook and stay in touch.

Both Mom and the neighbor are now old and in ill health. They both have mellowed. While they don’t really communicate directly, they keep tabs on each other’s well-being.

marinelife's avatar

Yes. When the neighbor built a garden across our property line onto our property. We did not speak again for many months. When we saw each other, we ignored each other.

When we saw each other in public we just avoided each other.

Coloma's avatar

Only once some years ago I screamed at a sleazy neighbor whose outta control Pit Bull went after my old kitty in my front yard and chased him up a tree. The guy was this monster biker dude and I think he was blown away at little old me coming after him and his damn dog. lol
The dog never came near my house again, and seriously, as much as I love all animals I would have killed that dog had it harmed my cat. They ended up moving not long after. Good riddance!

Dutchess_III's avatar

O hell yeah. In Wichita our back-door neighbor and I shared a fence. They had a couple of big dogs. Crappy dogs. They had a little girl about 4, and when she was in the back yard the dogs would grab her by her coat sleeves and sling her around until she fell down. When she’d try to get up they’d jump on her so she couldn’t. And those people just let it happen. It was freaking nuts, man. Well, my daughter was about 4 also, and one day their little girl invited her to come play…climb over the fence. Something caught my attention…it was the dogs biting on my daughter’s pants. They had her pinned against the fence. I was able to pull her, sobbing and screaming, back over to our side of the yard. I was SOOOOO angry with them for having those kinds of dogs. I marched around the block, banged on their front door and let loose with both barrels on some guy who answered the door.
Then I went home, sat on the back deck, just trembling with rage. Well, the lady comes out of her back door, marches over to the fence and yells, “You got some kind of problem!” I’m more likely to back down in the face of that…but not in this case. I jumped up yelling “You’re damn straight I do!” and ran over to the fence and got in her face. I told her she was fucking STUPID for having those kinds of dogs and asked how she could allow them to maul her child like that!!!
SHE backed down and started crying saying “Well, one of the poor dogs was a rescue dog! Somebody tried to suffocate him when he was a baby, the poor, poor thing! He has brain damage, the poor thing!!”
I said, “So what you’re saying is your dogs are not only viscous, but they’re fuckin’ RETARDED too???? Are you CRAZY???!!!” And I turned on my heel and marched back to the house.
I won that fight. I don’t recall ever talking to her again…but I did notice that their daughter didn’t play alone in the back yard any more. Maybe I saved her life. Fuckin’ idiots.

wildpotato's avatar

Yes. I share a fence with an old woman and her son, and there is this big weed (a Tree of Heaven, actually) that roots just on my side of the fence and weaves back and forth a few times. Last year they cut its base so that its large, heavy top came down on my side of the fence and tore down some wires tacked on my roof. They did not tell me they’d done this, so when I went into my backyard that night in the dark to let my dog out I got tangled in the wire and ripped it down more, and scraped myself up on the tree-weed badly enough that I still have a scar. I asked them to apologize and to notify me if they did that in the future, and they got very angry, saying it wasn’t their responsibility to notify me and that I should be thanking them for cutting the plant. I am not a particularly even-tempered person, and I blew up a little too much. The guy even flagged down a passing cop and yelled at him about me while I leaned on my doorjamb and laughed.

We made up when the earthquake happened last year. Me and the old lady neighbor, and everyone else on my street, ran wide-eyed out to the sidewalk and automatically, shocked that we’d just had a quake, asked each other if everyone was ok. Hard to stay mad after that.

lookingglassx3's avatar

My dad did, around a year ago. They used to play music so loud every weekend that even on the opposite end of the house you could still hear them. They’d often start at 11pm and not finish until 10am the next morning. Eventually my dad just snapped and hammered on their door. I think he was all sarcastically sweet smiles and promises about going to the landlord. Eventually our other neighbour got involved and she called the police. Thankfully, the noisy neighbours have moved!

YARNLADY's avatar

No, I don’t believe in arguing. I have called the police on a neighbor for loud parties, and it worked.

ucme's avatar

No, that’s for the birds, but I do remember a couple fighting in the street when I was little.
I was awoken one evening to the screams of a constantly warring married couple, he was drunk & she was hitting him over the head with some sort of cooking utensil, that’s right….a pan.
I was both perplexed & amused in equal measure at this sorry spectacle & made my mother promise we’d be moving house real soon.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

So far, no.

Berserker's avatar

Nah. I either get along pretty good with my neighbors, or I never even meet them. Depends on if I’m in a big apartment block on a busy street, or some smaller place on a not so busy street.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait…last fall my husband lit into our across-the-street neighbors for no reason. Well, OK. Their two big dogs got out, came to our house and attacked our dogs and us while we were sitting on our back deck. Twice in a two week period. But other than that, he tore into them for no reason at all! Dakota, our white German Shepherd, beat the livin’ shit out of both of those dogs too. For no reason.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Not me personally but when I was about 5 years old my mum was attacked by our next door neighbour. They had two big dogs that kept jumping into our garden a crapping on our lawn. My brother and I were both very young at the time and my mum was worried about the health risks of this, so posted a letter through next doors letterbox asking them to try and stop it from happening. Next thing we know the neighbour is banging on our door and when mum answered it, she had her pinned against the wall!! My mum is a tiny lady and this woman was enormous (at least that’s how I remember her!) I don’t know what the outcome was and if they ever resolved the situation. We lived on a military base at the time so, no doubt, we or they moved on fairly quickly. I can’t even remember if my mum reported it to the police.

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