Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Do you have to have intelligence to be undead?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) February 29th, 2012

The undead: so sexy! But do they have brains, too? Why or why not?

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8 Answers

geeky_mama's avatar

The undead? As in zombies? If they had brains they’d eat ‘em…right? Brrraaiiinnsssss

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

They’re not allowed to have brains, otherwise they’d be so preoccupied with eating each other, that they’d never make it out to eat the living.

nikipedia's avatar

Dude, there is butt cleavage and boob cleavage on this thread.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@nikipedia Hehehe, I’m just celebrating for Auggie’s 40k!

ucme's avatar

Just a cliche ridden script as far as I can tell.

blueiiznh's avatar

I have to report that @WillWorkForChocolate avatar proved I am not dead!

Bellatrix's avatar

Tits and ass….

Berserker's avatar

It depends what kind of undead it is. A zombie doesn’t need to have intelligence; in fact it wouldn’t be a zombie if it did. It needs its brain though, because a small part of it is responsible for the zombie’s entire being. hence ya gotta…ya gots to nail em in the head!

Intelligence isn’t a requirement for undeath. However, it can almost often be present; a vampire, a ghost, a lich. Most undead things retain some of what they had in life, starting with awareness. For many undead things, cunning and intelligence should probably be employed; the vampire for example. He’s a hunter, but he needs beware the Ides of March and all.
In fact, zombies are probbaly the ecxeption, They’re the lowest form of unlife on the undeath spectrum. Man that was a fucked up sentence…lots of undead things might seem braindead, randomly errant or constantly violent. But it’s a reflection of their former self mixed with whatever happened to turn them into this. Ironically enough, it’s also a reflection of their current state, whether or not they’re aware of it.

But no, you don’t need intelligence or awareness to be undead. There may be many different forms of undeath, however they all have one thing in common which defines the entire spectrum they belong to; life. Can’t be undead if you were not alive before.

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