Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Do begging-letters ever result in gifts?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) November 8th, 2011

An acquaintance of mine who is a bit short on money, jokingly, told me recently that she would write a begging-letter to Mr. Gates, with the question if he could send $50,000.
I wished her good luck and told her that he and all the other billionaires probably get bags full of them on a daily basis and that it must contain that a dramatic message or be that original to have the littlest chance if at all that you’ll be gifted.
Does anyone of you know/heard of cases in which it resulted in cash for the writer?
How would you compose a letter like that, or what original message would you attach given the imaginary case that you would feel the need to do so?

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4 Answers

EmptyNest's avatar

Wow. Can’t really answer that because I would never do it. I wouldn’t lie, that’s for sure.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I don’t know of such things. What I do know is I’d feel pretty slouchy if I ever resorted to such a thing.

lillycoyote's avatar

Here are some handy tips, from, Jason, A.K.A jcmayer777, over at who may or may not be an expert on getting millionaires and billionaires to part with their money. It seems like simply begging for the money probably won’t get you very far but. ...

This one is kind of an overview. Millionaires Who Give Away Money

These two are, of course, provide sample letters.

Sample letters for individuals

Sample letters for organizations

Good luck!

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