General Question

kyleharzo's avatar

I'm more comfortable talking to girls than guys?

Asked by kyleharzo (72points) November 5th, 2011

When talking to girls, I’m more comfortable and my voice gets deeper with masculinity. But when I talk to guys, I feel more inferior and my voice gets higher. But this is only when I make new friends, the majority of my friends are guys and I have no trouble talking to them.
I guess I don’t feel a need to impress guys, and I feel more of a need to impress girls. But I want to make friends with more guys in my classes. Any suggestions?

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9 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Don’t worry so much about the timbre of your voice as much as coming across as genuine in what you talk about.

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Sunshinegirl's avatar

Just be you…the ones who want to be your friends, will be…the ones who don’t, who needs them? :)

blueiiznh's avatar

^^^^ what @Sunshinegirl said….just be you. dont go funcusing everything up by trying to talk different. people like you for who you are.

dannyc's avatar

You’re lucky.

Hibernate's avatar

If I were you I wouldn’t bother. Eventually who’s interested in being your friend will be your friend. But I don’t understand why do you feel like needing to impress the girls? It’s not like you feel inferior.

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I know when I think “too much” about what I’m going to say, or how I’ll say it, I will often end up tripping on my words. My advice is to not “think so much” about your conversations. That doesn’t mean just say what’s on your mind——always be mannerful——but don’t obsess over it. Also, have a good, positive attitude. That goes a long way in making new friends, regardless of their gender.

wundayatta's avatar

What’s the problem? You can talk to girls. You have guy friends. Do you want to be a politician? What is your goal here? Sounds to me like you are doing way better than you think you are.

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