Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever known, or encountered, a child who caused you to think, "My God. What is he going to be like when he grows up??"?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46871points) June 17th, 2011

I guess that could be in either a positive or negative way, but I was thinking about Coloma’s post about saving a million dogs over one “bouncing baby Ted Bundy.” But…how would you know they have that evil in them when they’re small?

Also, if I said this question is meant in a positive way, like the kid is going to be the next Einstein, everyone would be holding up their kids or grand kids as an example! Me included! But I’m just guessing that all the the future Ted Bundys in the making belong to other people! Just a guess. ; )

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12 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

I knew a kid who liked electrocuting cats to death. Cruelty to animals is a strong indicator of future cruelty to humans. Many serial killers experiment on animals before going after humans. I also knew a kid who tried to find out everyone’s allergies and “see what would happen” if he secretly exposed them to allergens. He almost killed my best friend once. He’s in prison now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SavoirFaire OMG…what was his home life like? Or was he just born that way?

YoBob's avatar

I have encountered several, my wife being a pre-school teacher, I being activly involved in cub scouting, and also being involved in a fencing club long enough to see several “crops” of kids turn into adults.

In the plus side, I saw one young lady who as a fencer had a drive to succeed like no other I have known. She has now finished pre-med, received a 97 on her MCAT (which is astronomically high, as I understand it) and will be starting med school in the fall.

On the other end of the spectrum, there is one kid in our fencing club who not only has some anger issues, but also has a sort of sociopathic personality that is rather hard to describe in a short post (heck, he would be hard to describe in pages of case studies by teams of smart people with a gabillion letters in their title). OTOH, he has one of those “if anyone can deal with it, it is him” dads. It will be interesting to see how he turns out.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Dutchess_III The first kid was raised in a perfectly normal family. He was just crazy. I’m always waiting for him to show up in the newspapers. The second kid I am 99% sure was abused. He could be really nice at times and then lash out randomly. He was also really flinchy for a bully.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

LOL! All the time!

ucme's avatar

Every time I look in the mirror, unless i’m naked of course ;¬}

Plucky's avatar

Yes, many times. As for knowing whether or not a child has evil in them ..I think you just know. There’s usually something of their personality, and/or demeanor, that’s not quite right.
Obviously, as @SavoirFaire stated, there are several other more visible indicators (such as cruelty to animals).
When I was a teen, there was this 6 year old kid on our street who just oozed creepy. He had hamsters and gerbils that kept disappearing until he was 8 years old. Why his parents kept getting him more is beyond me. I’ll try not to be too illustrative in detail. When he was 8, his mom found all his lost hamsters and gerbils under his bed. Each of them in different um states (dead of course). The way she found his stash? She heard a whining noise from his room. He had taken the neighbour’s very small dog the night before and put her in a hamster cage under his bed. The dog was fine but thirsty. I can not imagine what he would have done to that dog if she hadn’t found her. I remember being paranoid of our dogs being outside, alone, for a long time after that.
Any ways, we didn’t see him around much after that. But about 10 years later, he was caught attempting to kidnap an elderly woman. I have no idea where he is now ..I’m hoping some prison cell for the rest of his days.

TexasDude's avatar

My mom works in child care. There is a kid she has to watch who I am certain was spawned from the fiery jizz of satan. His name is even “Damien.” Go figure.

A little girl spent the entire day in this childcare center building a block tower to proudly show her mom. Damein shows up with his brutish, knuckle dragging father and proceeds to knock the little girl’s tower down. Dad laughs and gives him a high five as the little girl began to bawl.

Damien also chased another little boy around the play room with a pair of scissors, tackled the boy, put the scissors to the other boy’s throat, raised a finger to his lips and whispered “shhhhh” before the workers could restrain him.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard And people wonder why I don’t think it’s obvious that you should always save one child over one million dogs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That household needed some serious looking into, @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard.

TexasDude's avatar

@Dutchess_III my thoughts exactly.

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