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partyparty's avatar

Are there any coincidences in your family?

Asked by partyparty (9167points) March 7th, 2011

My birthday falls at around the beginning of British Summer time when the clocks go forward one hour, my husband’s birthday falls around the end of British Summer time when the clocks go back one hour.
We were also married on the shortest day of the year.
My cousin was married on St Valentines day, and two years later – again on St Valentines day she gave birth to her daughter.
Are there any coincidenes amongst your family or friends?

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31 Answers

optimisticpessimist's avatar

My son was born (two years earlier) on what ended up being my nephew’s due date, and that nephew was born on my son’s original due date (two years later.) My daughter and my other nephew were born a week apart (with another two year difference.) My niece and my youngest were born on the same date years apart. The 2 nephews and niece are all my sister’s children, and we each only have three kids. My parents, husband, self, and kids’ birth years, and our anniversary all fall on even years.

JmacOroni's avatar

The only thing that I can really think of is my own birthday… which is 8/2/82 at 2 minutes to 2PM. I was then baptized on 8/22/82 at 8AM (which wasn’t deliberate on my parents’ part.)

MacBean's avatar

My two sisters and I were born in March, April and May. And my middle sister’s kids were born on the 27th, 28th and 29th. Different months (and not in any sort of order) but… still makes it easier to remember the dates. Also, nobody in my family—counting me, parents, grandparents, siblings, nieces/nephews, aunts/uncles, cousins—has a birthday in June, July or August.

cookieman's avatar

Nothing mind-blowing, but…
My wife and I are both born on the 25th.

Scorpio is the most common astrological sign with 8 of us being born under it.

All three of my nephew’s children are born in may.

My uncle and my wife’s uncle were friends in the army together (Korean war).

My father and my cousin were on the same aircraft carrier, 20 years apart from each other.

I have a photograph of my wife and I together at a carnival when we were around 8 years-old (9 years before we even met).

ucme's avatar

Yeah we’re all related! I know, fascinating stuff eh?
Okay, immaturity put briefly to one side for a moment, both my daughter & I were born on the 13th of the month. Not much of a coinkydink it’s true, but there you have it :¬)

cak's avatar

My son and his uncle share the same birthday. I was born one month early, to the day…on April Fool’s Day. Believe me, I’ve heard all the jokes about that day.

My sister had the chicken pox when she turned 16, I was 14. My mother did everything she could to try to expose me to her and get them out of the way. She was operating under the theory that chicken pox get worse as you get older. I didn’t get them until my 16th birthday. I broke out (fully covered by those things!) _on my 16th bday.

Fyrius's avatar

My maternal grandmother’s birthday is one day after mine. My paternal grandfather’s birthday is one day before my brother’s.

partyparty's avatar

@optimisticpessimist Gosh you certainly have quite a few coincidences in your family haven’t you?
@JmacOroni Wow that is a coincidence, thanks
@MacBean That certainly is unusual, many thanks
@cprevite Oh I would love to see your photograph!!
@ucme Were you born the same month? :))
@cak Oh you poor thing – getting chickenpox on your birthday!
@Fyrius That certainly is a coincidence, many thanks

cak's avatar

@partyparty: I really can’t complain. That was years ago (I’m approaching 40) and my parents bought me a Mustang. Yes, I was that spoiled snot.

ucme's avatar

@partyparty No thank goodness, I wouldn’t want anything to detract from her special day. Hers is in July mine October.

incendiary_dan's avatar

In my immediate family, nobody’s birthday shares an astrological sign, except for the two Geminis.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My Grandad was born on the 4th day of the 9th month (September) and he died on the 9th day of the 4th month (April). That’s all I can think of.

Prosb's avatar

My mom is 5 years older than her sister, and was born on May 14th, while my aunt was born on May 13th.
I might be the only blood relative in my family without blue eyes. (I have Hazel eyes)
My family is also full of blonds, and dirty blonds, where as I have black hair.
Makes me look like a friend who’s visiting rather than a family member at get-togethers. XD

JustJessica's avatar

My eldest son was born at 13:13 in room 13. Both of my children are born on the last day of their astrological signs.

josrific's avatar

The only thing I can think of is my dad telling me that a nurse put me in his arms and said happy father’s day. From that time on my dad and I have shared father’s day every couple of years. It’s fun, some father’s day present don’t you think?

the100thmonkey's avatar

My parents were married on the 2nd of April. My wife and I married on the 2nd of April – it didn’t even occur to me that we would share an anniversary with my parents.

Later, we found out that my wife’s parents were also married on the 2nd of April.

Mutable's avatar

Coincidences are God’s little jokes on us. If you have a lot of coincidences in your life, know God is watching.

Stefaniebby's avatar

I was born exactly 8½ years after my sister. My little brother was born exactly 8½ years after me. Also a couple of our pets share birthdays with my dad in November.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

My mother had my brother in July and I had my oldest in July. My mother had me on Jan. 31 and I had my youngest on Jan. 31. My partner and I both have a birthday on the 31st, one month apart.

john65pennington's avatar

My daughter was born on the first day of spring. My son was born on the first day of fall.

Easy to remember their birthdays.

meagan's avatar

Coincidences, yeah. Two of my cousins and I all are nine years apart from each other. Oldest cousin had the youngest (second?) cousin, so I’m in the middle. Everyone kept making jokes about me having a baby nine years after the third cousin was born. Passed that, thankfully.

DominicX's avatar

I was born on my parents’ 6th Anniversary. I was their anniversary present…. ^_^

Also, out of me and my three siblings, one of us is born in each season. My birthday’s in the summer (August), my sister’s is in the winter (February), my older younger brother’s is in the spring (March), and my younger younger brother’s is in the fall (October).

blueiiznh's avatar

Huge coincidence or not that my 5 siblings have the same parents! and, and, and the mailman was the father to us all!
That is unheard of in today’s society!

erichw1504's avatar

My brother-in-law’s second son was born on his birthday. What a great birthday present.

partyparty's avatar

@everyone These coincidences are so very interesting. Please keep them coming and many thanks for your answers

tedibear's avatar

This isn’t my family, but my friend’s family. She, her husband and their two sons were all born on the 26th of the month. Also, she and I share a birth date (though one year apart) and her younger son was born on our mutual birthday.

6rant6's avatar

For the last five generations (I’m not privy to any older information) all the men in our family have been born on their birthdays.

nicobanks's avatar

I was due to be born on my parents’ birthday. Yes, that apostrophe is in the right place: my mom and dad have the exact same birthday, down to the year. Turns out, I was two weeks early, so I got my own birthday, thank God. That would’ve just been too weird.

Soubresaut's avatar

My sister was due on my dad’s birthday (my parents have different bithdays : ) But she came out early, the same day as I did, but three months later. Now we’re two and a quarter years apart.
…but that’s all the coincidence for me. Most of these makes mine look dull. Haha

chyna's avatar

My ex-husband and I have the same birthdate. His mom and my mom were born the same month, 2 days apart. His dad and my dad born the same month 3 days apart.

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