General Question

Tennis5tar's avatar

Knitters: If I used a heavier weighted yarn, do I need to adjust me needle size to keep the work the same size?

Asked by Tennis5tar (1263points) November 11th, 2010

I’m knitting a hat and the pattern calls for DK but when I made it before I used chunky. Problem is, I made it about 3 years ago and cannot remember which sized needles I used.

Even looking through my needles I don’t seem to have any the right size/length.

The pattern calls for 4.5mm (size 7) 40cm circulars and 4.5mm double points. The largest double points I have are 3¼mm.

So if I am using a heavier wool, do I need to compensate with my needle size or will it just knit up thicker?

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3 Answers

laureth's avatar

It will knit up somewhat larger, because the large yarn will sort of expand. But it will also knit up a lot tighter, and probably not have the same sort of drape and hang that the pattern writer intended. You could always make a little swatch to measure and see… ;)

Tennis5tar's avatar

Hurrah! I had a flashback and found my circular needles which are actually 4mm and have a third of a hat on them. Oops!

Thanks for the help @laureth

gailcalled's avatar

Always check the gauge. That will solve the problem of both yarn weight and needle-size. You knit a swatch and check the deviation. All patterns list the gauge measurements.

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