Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Do you believe people see you as a "character?"?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) October 29th, 2010

I hope I can describe what I mean by “character.” Let me start with who is not a character. A non-character is someone who does not seem to have any significant features that distinguish them from others. They kind of fade into the crowd.

A character has a hard time fading into a crowd. They can not help but be themselves (and usually they don’t try to be ordinary). In other words, it’s not an act. It’s that they stand out in some particular way, often for being outspoken, but also for just presenting themselves differently. A character is someone who other people talk about, not necessarily admiringly.

Since I’m always interested in issues of self-perception and issues of how we believe others see us, and how close those two ideas are, I’d like to know if you think others see you as a character? If so, what do you think they see that makes you into a character? Do you see yourself as a character? Why—what makes you into a character?

Finally, if these questions don’t interest you, it would also be nice —if you know someone who is a character—to describe that person, especially those attributes that make them a character.

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42 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

I am 6 ft. 5 in. and weigh 240. its hard not to miss me in a crowd.

I once worked for two days in vice, until i realized i stood out like a 1,000 watt lighbulb. no way.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I have to think so, because people tell me all the time. At the same time, I do struggle to be anything but myself, I’ve never been good at doing impressions, I’ve never been good at acting or drama. I never think of myself as a “character”, but I know I’m at the very least a little bit quirky. If not flat out weird. :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have been called a character on a number of occassions. I don’t know whether I see myself as a character. I certainly don’t fade into the background but neither do any of the people I mix with. We all have our quirks!

Cat's avatar

I see myself as a little bit of both. Much of the time it’s going to depend on the situation. (Social situation that is) I don’t need to be the center of attention and I don’t go out of my way to call attention to myself, but I don’t cling the walls either. I mingle and I really like to find ways to get to know people so I really do mean I mingle. I notice that some folks will remain with the same small group for an entire evening (or what-have-you) but I move from small group to small group NEVER intruding and always waiting patiently until it’s “my turn”. I am very much at ease addressing large groups of people. And in that capacity – when given the opportunity I will use humor and wit freely.
I think I’m a character, I’m just not sure what kind.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’ve heard that one before!.It is another way of saying that a person is a goofball in some way.I don’t argue with them ;)

OpryLeigh's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I think you’re a character and I hope you will take that as the compliment it’s intended to be in your case!

tedibear's avatar

I am definitely not a character. I blend in very well into any crowd. People rarely notice me unless I speak up. I have commented that if I could just stand up to being tortured, I would make a great spy.

One person who comes to my mind that seems to be a character is my sister-in-law. She doesn’t seem to have developed her own personality outside of what she thinks her parents want from her and it’s odd to be around her sometimes. It’s like she’s playing the role of daughter, wife and mother instead of being herself. Because she doesn’t know who that is.

Zyx's avatar

I’m 1,86m and I have a ponytail down half my back, I have sideburns, I wear only black and the occasional blue jeans. I listen to metal while riding a bike really really fast. I might stand out.

People think I disagree with popular opinion just to feel better about myself but I disagree with popular opinion BECAUSE I feel better about myself.

cookieman's avatar

I think so – but it’s hard for me to judge.

I think those who know me would be better suited to say.

CMaz's avatar

Yep. <———- Now you know why.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, in some ways I am a character, minus any infamy. lol

I have a ‘reputation’ for being formidable yet sincere, a bit eccentric, creative, humorous and colorful.

It’s the writer and artist in me, along with being a left handed, right brained type.

Discipline is my weakness, but hey, here I still am, the wings on my britches still keep me aloft living a rather unconventional life. lol

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Leanne1986 Thank you! You’re sweet

ucme's avatar

So that’s why folk sing the Looney Tunes music when I enter a room! Why ya bugger :¬)

BoBo1946's avatar

Well, there is no way for me to fade into the crowd, like John, a big guy! 6’4” and 255! Also, I’m very extroverted….and like to “pick at people” as my favorite saying is, “what is up Big Daddy!” Also, I’m full of “lots of bull!” So yes, I’m a character.

Btw, here lately, I’m not a character…but, that will change in 9 days! Pain takes the character out of you!

YoBob's avatar

I think that most people are too busy with their own lives to think of me as a character. To the folks at work I’m just another engineer with some eclectic hobbies who occupies a box in a cube farm. To the folks in my scout group I’m a cub master with some practical skills to share with the boys who does his best to see that the organization keeps running. To the folks at my fencing club I’m that old guy who used to be good once but now pretty much sticks to running the armory and doing footwork drills with the competitive fencers. To my family, I’m “Dad” (which is my proudest title)

jonsblond's avatar

I would say I’m more of a supporting character. I have my moments, but I’m also a very quiet person that likes to sit back and observe.

Now my husband, he’s a different story. A character indeed!

wundayatta's avatar

@jonsblond You got that right! (regarding your husband). Definitely doesn’t let anyone else’s opinion get in the way of being himself. Unless it’s an act, but somehow, I don’t think so.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

There is a characteristic that the Gallup Organization describes as Woo.

Woo stands for winning others over. You enjoy the challenge of meeting new people and getting them to like you. Strangers are rarely intimidating to you. On the contrary, strangers can be energizing. You are drawn to them. You want to learn their names, ask them questions, and find some area of common interest so that you can strike up a conversation and build rapport. Some people shy away from starting up conversations because they worry about running out of things to say. You don’t. Not only are you rarely at a loss for words; you actually enjoy initiating with strangers because you derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection. Once that connection is made, you are quite happy to wrap it up and move on. There are new people to meet, new rooms to work, new crowds to mingle in. In your world there are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met yet—lots of them. Source

Everyone has some degree of Woo in their make-up. A few co-workers have tested high in the Woo category, and it shows in their interactions with others. Essentially, they have a charisma that draws people to them. They want people to like them, although they aren’t necessarily looking for friendship.

Throw in the factor of being an introvert or extrovert, and Woo can appear to run the full spectrum. For example, a co-worker can turn on the Woo when facilitating workshops, but once done, walks out exhausted because it saps his energy. At conferences, many who attended one of the classes remembers him. Another co-worker has Woo as one of his top strengths. He is definitely a character and it is always turned on. He is also known by everyone, yet it isn’t quite in the same way. He has a tendency to use sarcasm and is highly competitive. When he isn’t ‘on stage’, like in a meeting, he slumps in his chair and sulks, unless it is his turn to speak.

Coloma's avatar


Anyone that can call themselves ‘Bobo’ is, indeed, a character! haha

Cruiser's avatar

For me 3 types of people immediately “stand out” in a crowd. You have the funny and friendly types who are usually very confident people and simply at ease mingling with everyone making them laugh. Then their are the narcissists who let everyone know how great they are. And then there are the complete boobs who are clearly unaware of the spectacle they are making of themselves and usually hammered.

BoBo1946's avatar

@Coloma loll… everyone has to be someone!

CMaz's avatar

“I’m not a character…but, that will change in 9 days!”

I knew it! @BoBo1946 is Santa Claus!

BoBo1946's avatar

Loll.. No, but I’m going to see Santa! He is going to install a plastic toy!

Coloma's avatar

—-On Donnor, on Blitzen, on Bobo—

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Yeah, so they say…I suppose it’s because some of my views seem so foreign to people that they remember me…I am memorable but I don’t think of myself as a character.

crazyivan's avatar

I spent a number of years earning my living as a street performer so I had to develop something of a “larger than life” persona. While I was in the process of trying to decide what my character would be like I got the advice of a wise performer. He said your street persona should be “just like you, only more so”.

Not sure if I was a “character” before that, but I can’t help but be one now.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m really goofy on purpose, I’m starting to think people think I’m a little slow, but I’m just being overly goofy and high-spirited. When people are moopy and sullen looking on Monday mornings, I start acting like a pep rally cheerleader: ‘Hey guys! Great morning huh? How ya doin Drew…..ok not so well…that’s alright, we’re gonna turn that frown upside down today!’

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes. I’m told women find me refreshing/non threatening and men find me intriguing/odd- this sounds okay with me.

downtide's avatar

Not many people personally know a transsexual, much less a trans-man, so I’d say yes.

BoBo1946's avatar

@downtide you are certainly one of the nicest persons on Fluther! That would make you a very good character!

Seaofclouds's avatar

When I’m working, I think some people could see me as a character. I’m very passionate about what I do and always doing whatever I can to help everyone else around me.

The rest of the time, I don’t really think I stand out.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve officially reached the stage of character in my looks.

I have two modes, bohemian bagwoman farm goddess or looking pretty damn good. The middle ground is extinct. lol

BoBo1946's avatar

@downtide very welcome !

Blondesjon's avatar

@wundayatta . . . it’s a total act. shhh . . . don’t tell anyone.

cookieman's avatar

@Blackberry: If you pulled that in my office, first thing in the morning…I’d stab you with a spoon. Just saying.

Blackberry's avatar

@cprevite Yeah, I stopped doing it lately lol.

wundayatta's avatar

@Blondesjon Sure [wink]. If you say so. [wink]

Berserker's avatar

I’m a Goth so I kinda stick out in a crowd, and I do have this habit of looking grouchy, walking really fast and slipping by in crowds of people like a thief. However, my town is full of bikers and freaky lookin hobos, and Montréal, where I work and study, is filled with all sorts of different people so much that walking around naked is the only way you’ll ever stand out. And even then.
This, I believe, is not really what you mean, so to get closer to the answer, I might be a bit of a character when people get to know me, because of my passions which I often take to an extreme (But that’s not really anything new, lots of folk do that.) and some of my behavioral comportments which sometimes define me in ways that they usually don’t define a person.
However, at that point, I’ve also got to know the other people who see this in me a lot, so we’re no longer ’‘characters’’ rather than it becomes normal and a part of that person.

Coloma's avatar

I’m looking like a clown right now.
Crazy pink and green striped jammy bottoms, lime green funky long sleeved top, fuzzy pink slipper socks with black toes and hair in frizzy pigtails.

All I need is a rubber nose.

I’d say my character is really poppin’ today. lol

Funky stormy hangout day. ;-)

wundayatta's avatar

@Coloma From the way you present yourself here, I’d say you are definitely a character.

Coloma's avatar


lol Yes, a good character, what you see is what you get. haha

Infact, I had someone tell me just yeterday that I am in a league of my own.

Fortuenetly I have always been comfortable being myself in all my silly diversity. ;-)

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