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Is this seriously something that somebody could call the police over?

Asked by LifeQuestioner (3696points) September 1st, 2023

I’ll try to be brief. I live in an apartment building with people who are so trifling you wouldn’t believe it. Several weeks ago I had a package stolen from in front of my door. I know I have been delivered because it was from Amazon and they had taken a picture that clearly showed my little door hanger, but when I got home the package wasn’t there.

Yesterday I was expecting a delivery and when I got home from work, there was a package sitting pretty much right between my door and my neighbor’s door and it was about the size of what I had ordered. So when I came up the stairs I just picked up the package a moment to read the label and make sure it didn’t belong to me. Well my neighbor wasn’t home but she has a ring camera, so apparently she had a hissy fit and called the rental office to complain that I had picked up her package. Mind you, if she had actually been watching in the ring camera, she would have known that I put it right back down as soon as I saw it it wasn’t mine.

The rental office called me and I explained the situation and they said they would call and talk to her. I believe them when they said they were going to call her. So today I went downstairs because I thought I heard the mailman come. And while I’m getting my mail one flight down, I hear somebody talking to me through the ring camera. Well I don’t do that, so I just basically ignored it until I came back up the stairs. And then she was still saying things to me and being really rude because I hadn’t responded to her.

I told her that if she wanted to come out of her apartment and actually have a conversation with me I’d be willing to do that, but that I wasn’t going to talk through the intercom. Well it turns out she wasn’t home and then she said I came to knock on your door yesterday but you didn’t answer. (Somebody you should tell this lady that I’m not obligated to come to the door just because she’s knocking, plus I was probably sleeping at the time.)

Anyway, I asked her if the rental office had talked to her a second time after she had called them and she claimed they hadn’t called. Now I seriously don’t think that’s the case, and I’m sure she has voicemail, but whatever. so I explained that I had just picked up her package to check the label and make sure it wasn’t mine and she proceeded to go on about don’t touch any of my stuff and if it’s sitting on my doorstep, blah blah blah. And I explained to her that I could have just looked at it but with my eyesight I have to get fairly up close. But I said, no worries, if that situation ever arises again, I will simply pull out my phone and take a picture of the label without even getting very close because then I can zoom in. She told me if I took a picture of her package, she was going to call the police. I thought that was pretty funny because I’m pretty sure that’s not illegal. And when I pointed that out, she then stated that if I took a picture of her package, it was going to be a huge problem. Now I’m sitting here debating whether to call the police because that’s a threat.

But what the heck is up with some people?!?

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